Although this series of posts is supposed to be based on what I am wishing FOR, I've had many wishes answered over the last several days... Day 4: I spent a wonderful afternoon in Columbus with a client team. They are such a joy to work with and I'm very excited to embark on their new endeavors …
31 Days of Wishes – Wisdom
On Day 1 I said I was not going to make any wishes that involved regret without following the comment with a positive reference to the future. Last night I took one of my CyberCletch team members out for dinner to celebrate Christmas and to thank her for the work she has done this past year for …
31 Days of Wishes – Dashboard Warnings
“We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service.” ~ Earl Nightingale I always fancied myself a "whittler" rather than a "wisher". Life is busy, so if I wanted something I'd work towards it by fitting in mini-goals, …