Midlife can be a time of crisis. I suppose it's referred to as a crisis because many people choose not to look inward and determine why they're unhappy. They look outward and try to appease the unease with cars, possessions or affairs. Although all are tempting, I chose to consider midlife, not …
Should Independent Thinking be a Punishable Crime?
Earlier this week I received the following email from the high school my children attend: A disciplinary action has been assigned to "Name". The offense was Improper Use of Dist Technolog. This offense happened on 01/04/2010. The staff member who referred your student was "Name" The …
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar
I spent two hours listening to my mother talk on New Year's Day. On one occasion, when she let me get a word in, I reminded her of the year she left my father and bought a house. We spent a great majority of our free time dancing to the following song as it blared on our stereo. Although I'm sure …