I have just recently started running on populated paths so I am finding myself evaluating other runners I pass – rather, that pass me – on my treks. Mostly they are shirtless males, that run like the wind and make it look easy. (How many of you women are considering running now?)
Last week on the final mile of a long run, at the top of a very long and challenging incline, stood a gorgeous young mother putting helmets on her two boys before they rode their bikes. I noticed her because I was counting every step to get to the top of that very hill, for on the other side was a much easier decline.
As I trudged by and started my much anticipated jog downhill, I noticed her short shorts on long legs and thought, “I wish I had legs like that!”
Her boys rode their bicycles past me and shortly thereafter her long legs comfortably outran my consistent and tired 12 minute per mile pace. As I watched her get further away, I began to feel inferior… I thought I was doing well, but perhaps “as fast as I could muster” was still really slow.
She ran for about 200 meters downhill and then slowed to a walk. I soon passed her heading into my last half mile of a three mile run. I had to repress the urge to cheer for myself as I ran by.
Perhaps slow and steady does win the race afterall, at least that’s what I’m going to keep telling myself to stay motivated.
But I still wish my legs looked THAT good in short shorts!
Thank you for the nice comment on my RE blog.
I too have begun workout. I feel it has contributed to a positive attitude amongst clients and peers in a stressful time in the industry.