It's a new year and many of us consider our personal goals or our career goals, but have you considered your parenting goals? Here are 12 parenting tips that will enhance your relationship with your child this year. Be consistent. No matter how tired or fed up you are, consistency is key …
raising children
I Don’t Like My Children Right Now
The following article was from a column I wrote and was published in the Wasaga Sun on July 30, 1997. I don't like my children right now. Now that you've finished gasping and thinking terrible things about me - I'll explain. I love my kids. They're the best thing that's happened to me, but …
Happy Mother’s Day
Today is the day to honor mothers. What makes a good mother can vary considerably person to person and year to year as a child grows. For example, I thought being a mother meant unconditional love, as my children grow I realize, they too, must have some responsibility in upholding their part of our …