“Take off your shirt.” I looked at him in disbelief. “You take off yours, I’ll take off mine.” I scrutinized the number of people in the room… I’ve always been a shy person, and even at 20, there was no way I was stripping down in a sports bar full of men, especially since I was the …
Evaluating Traditions
The other day my 15 year old son asked if I had purchased his advent calendar yet. “You know, the ones with the little chocolates,” he reminded me. I hadn’t planned to get any this year as I wrongly assumed he’d outgrown it. In that moment, I realized he hadn’t. It was a tradition that signaled …
Forget the Glass Ceiling, What About The Sticky Floor?
Over my life, there have been strides towards equality, and this past year has seen plentiful discussions of “breaking the glass ceiling” with Gov. Sarah Palin taking a run at the White House. Throughout her vice presidential campaign, I couldn’t help but wonder if a female Vice President would make …