This portion of Dodge Park V was cut down to make way for the new entrance and park off S Commerce Rd in Commerce, Michigan. The straight, dark tree trunks were always most striking after a fresh snowfall.

Real Life, Roaming Homes, Good Sense
By Pat Williams
This portion of Dodge Park V was cut down to make way for the new entrance and park off S Commerce Rd in Commerce, Michigan. The straight, dark tree trunks were always most striking after a fresh snowfall.
CyberCletch Founder, Team Builder, Tech Lover, Social Media Communicator, Driven Explorer, Blogger, Compassionate Entrepreneur, Dormant Realtor, Mother, Balance Seeker. This is my personal blog. You can also find me on my other blogs: CyberCletch LLC - YOUR Marketing Management Team, Linked In and Instagram
Pat Williams
119 Rainbow Drive #1977
Livingston, TX 77399