International Women's Day celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. Women have many achievements to be proud of. The equality we enjoy is the result of the work of women (and men) before us. And yet, even in North America, many of us …
The Sticky Floor
C’mon Baby, You Know You Like It
"The slutty party girl is fun until she pukes on the floor and then she's a pain in the ass." House, Season 5, Episode "Lucky Thirteen" What's interesting about this statement isn't just the obvious inequality of how males use females; it's not always a male-female issue. She's great as …
Doing Less for Self Care
Midlife can be a time of crisis. I suppose it's referred to as a crisis because many people choose not to look inward and determine why they're unhappy. They look outward and try to appease the unease with cars, possessions or affairs. Although all are tempting, I chose to consider midlife, not …