I’ve been busy trying to build a couple of careers so I can go from “Mom with a Job” to “Career Woman with Kids.” Lately I’ve felt as though I’m merging onto the Autobahn, pedal to the metal with barely enough time for a shoulder check. I’ve got to get there and I’ve got to do it as fast as possible.
As I face my new career rush, I’m wondering how I’ll maintain my personal and parental responsibilities, and make it through a divorce with my mental health intact. I’ve come to the realization that being able to “bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never, ever let him forget he’s a man” was a load of bull crap. We can’t do it all – that’s why we have partners.
Marriage is supposed to be a partnership between two people working towards the common goals. When this doesn’t occur the marriage breaks down, or results in the unhappiness of one or both partners.
When I think back to that Enjoli commercial, I can’t help but realize the media had an impact on my hopes and dreams. I thought I could be Superwoman and do it all. I suppose I still can, I can do anything I set my mind to but it’s not going to be as easy as I first thought. Doing it all, is less important to me, than finding balance in all areas of my life. Being Superwoman now means being happy and managing the responsibilities I choose for my life.
I recommend going back and watching some of those old commercials. If you were alive when they were on television, you’ll be surprised you were so accepting of them back then.
And for the record…. I don’t fry my bacon anymore. I wrap it around scallops and grill to perfection. Sometimes you just have to adapt old recipes to suit your own personal taste.
Note: I’m taking down my website The Sticky Floor and moving the existing content over here. This was originally published on October 24, 2009.