“The land of plenty”“The land of the free”“The land of opportunity” As a citizen elsewhere in the world, I wondered “Can the United States be THAT incredible?” Living in Canada watching high taxes eating away at our income, I thought moving to the USA and becoming an American would be a sound …
The Ghosts of San Antonio
“I have no doubt of the time being close at hand when I will be rewarded for letting my tongue speak what my heart thinks.” Davy Crockett, August 11, 1835 I knew Davy Crockett as the King of the Wild Frontier, but didn’t know he was in the Battle of the Alamo. Growing up in …
Blanco State Park: A River Runs Through It
Rivers weave in and out of hills and rocks or they flow straight, the water slowly making its way past mud banks, forests, and communities. They sparkle in the sunlight while birds fly above and fish dance below their surface. They provide food to eat, water to drink and cool us off from the hot sun …