Last night I attended NOCBOR's "After Holiday Party" to watch Doug Hardy Jr. of Century 21 Today get sworn in as President-elect and my business associate Geoff Leach get sworn in as secretary to the 2010 Executive Board. The salmon from the buffet dinner at Fountains Golf and Banquet Center in …
Cold Lovin’ Snow Sculptures
We've had so many cold days with blue skies recently, it reminded me of our trip to Quebec in 2003. We came across the site of the 1967 World Expo in Montreal, Canada. The area seemed mostly deserted except for these impressive snow sculptures. The lack of humankind was likely because of record …
C’mon Baby, You Know You Like It
"The slutty party girl is fun until she pukes on the floor and then she's a pain in the ass." House, Season 5, Episode "Lucky Thirteen" What's interesting about this statement isn't just the obvious inequality of how males use females; it's not always a male-female issue. She's great as …