Old Mission Peninsula is a long jut of land that divides Grand Traverse Bay in half, giving it the shape - with creative license - of a molar and its roots. It was an easy 17 mile drive to the Old Mission Point Lighthouse, at end of the road. While there I discovered I was near the 45th …
Let Sleeping Bears Lie
Legend tells of a mother bear and her two cubs taking to the water to escape a raging fire in what is now, Wisconsin. They swam for miles and after tiring the cubs lagged behind. When the mother bear reached the opposite shore, she climbed atop a hill to watch for her babies, but the cubs drowned …
Roadside Views – Summer Roadtrip
We headed north from Ludington after the hike, counted our blessings when we discovered The Bungalow Inn still serving dinner at 10 pm. After checking several Manistee hotels late into the night, we finally found one that was not booked full with fishermen hoping to win the local derby. I …