In About this site, I wrote, “Real Home Sense is the hub for my life activities. Everything radiates from here.”
My plan was to summarize the “BIG” things that were happening in my life through links to my other blogs, but I haven’t been very good at getting the updates done. Just like my “button-a-day” Flickr project and my Fotog Friday post, it fell by the wayside.
The problem with being an inherent explorer, with a perpetual curiosity, is constantly keeping 20 balls in the air. Fortunately for my clients I am also blessed – and sometimes cursed – with steadfast ethics and “crawl through fire” reliability. As a result, MY fun stuff is constantly getting postponed. Although typically a fast learner, I seem to have had difficulty realizing that I need to take my personal needs into consideration when I plan. I’m attempting to improve this as I struggle to organize a 3 week “working” road trip in April.
I’ve also begun to share some real estate business with people I respect in the industry in order to free up some of my time. I am down to one listing – please send a buyer my way for a great ranch in West Bloomfield with water access! I continue to enjoy the several clients who are in contract and am working hard to see their properties close.
I have brought on more team members with CyberCletch to take some of the burden off me and to improve services to my clients. We have a new social media client this past week. Along with the ongoing work CyberCletch performs, we have taken on some project work and have a few sites in varying stages of production. Next weekend, I’ll be on a working retreat with some wonderful women who – in some circles – would be considered my competition. We choose to support each other instead. We’ll be using the time to complete long term planning and systems for our businesses.
I’ve been slowly transferring and updating content from to the new wordpress format so I can begin to sell advertising. I’m looking forward to getting back to my newspaper days by interviewing Canadians and posting there.
Speaking of interviewing, I was on the other side of the questions twice this month. I’ll admit it was a little unsettling because I realized how ADHD my thought process really is! Despite my shortcomings, the interviewers did a great job in summarizing my long winded points. The only clarification I’d like to make is that when I said I “couldn’t sell my house,” I was referring to family agreements made during my divorce process not the real estate market. Of course, that misunderstanding was my fault for not communicating concisely.
You can read the articles here:
- How Social Media Can Impact a Business When Starting From Scratch by Sven Gustafson of
- Insider Secrets for Social Media Success-Part II by Julie Escobar of Prospects PLUS!
Last month I read and reviewed two excellent books new to the market:
- Surviving Your Serengeti 7 Skills to Mastering Business and Life
- The Now Revolution, 7 shifts to make your business faster, smarter and more social
Oh and I did make time for some fun when I threw a tea party in February. The picture above came from Virginia Tatseos – thank you for taking the photos!
….and that’s just a little of what’s happening in my piece of the universe. What’s up in yours?
Juggling, a skill I didn’t realize I would need to develop! You do it well~ Thanks Pat!
Pat, I’ve had the same thing go on with me – all the “have to’s” push out the “want to’s”. I’m trying to make it a bit more of a priority to do the things I love. Even if it’s just for 15-20 minutes every few days….
I don’t want to live a life where it’s all responsibility and no play! I look forward to reading your interviews! Congrats!!