Last night I took my youngest to an information session on Walled Lake Percussion. It's a group that consists of members of all three Walled Lake high school's music programs. I had no idea this group even existed locally until my son announced he wanted to be a part of it. The kids from …
30 days of thanks
30 Days of Thanks – Day 15
Growing up, we always had Sunday dinner at Nana & Grampa's house. Nana would slow cook a roast, mashed potatoes, vegetables and dessert. She'd also cook up some Yorkshire Pudding for us to drench in gravy. I continued the same tradition with my family minus the gravy and Yorkshire pudding but the …
30 Days of Thanks – Day 13 & 14
Somehow I fell behind again! Here it is Day 15 and I'm just now getting around to being thankful for Day 13 and 14. Perhaps I should be grateful there aren't any 30 Days of Thanks police! Day 13 I was at a Marching Band Banquet. The whole time I was there I was thinking about how thankful I am …