I'm excited to attend several conferences over the next month. Last year when TEDx was in Detroit I wasn't able to go, I made sure my schedule was clear this time! TEDxDetroit is about generating positive ideas for the world from Detroit. If you're passionate and want to contribute to the …
Attitude Is All I Got!
I don't enjoy gambling, not at the casinos and not in life. If I decide to do something, I ensure all the odds are in my favor through careful planning. When I signed up for the Commerce 5k run I thought it was a realistic goal for me. Up until 2007, I hadn't run since 6th grade. I began …
Moody Mansion, Galveston TX
I was able to tour Moody Mansion several years ago while stopping in Galveston before hopping on a corporate cruise to Mexico. I planned a couple of extra days in Texas to explore the thin spit of land hugging the shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico. When I travel, two of my tourist …